Active Projects

  • Constellations Mental Health Cooperative

    Constellations Mental Health Cooperative is a mental health services cooperative with a mission to collectively support the emotional wellness of all people, centering the needs of those most marginalized by our society. We are dedicated to dismantling systems of harm, oppression, and domination.

    To support this mission, we aim to provide mental and emotional wellness services to increase healing and thriving for community members and those in need, facilitating systemic change through mutual aid, and other projects within the surrounding communities.

  • Mildred Fish Harnack Antifascist Event

    Held annually in September, the Mildred Fish Harnack Antifascist Event is a celebration of the life and achievements of a true antifascist hero, born right here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Stand with us in solidarity against the forces of fascism in our country and communities! Surplus proceeds from this event go toward antifascist organizing and education.

  • Milwaukee Tool Library |

    The Milwaukee Tool Library is a lending library of things, where anyone can check out tools and equipment for just about any project you can think of. We operate just like a lending library, but for physical goods. When you enroll and become a member, you get access to every piece of equipment the library has.

  • Mutual Aid & Direct Aid

    Mutual aid is providing for each other and our communities, building reciprocal relationships outside of capitalist commodity transactions. Mutual aid is seen as the basis of a fully liberated, libertarian socialist society, a society wherein we care for one another’s need, not a society that is run for profit to the few at the expense of the many.

    Direct aid does not require any reciprocity; if one has the ability to give, one gives willingly. This includes solidarity support for striking workers, direct help to people experiencing hardships caused by capitalism, colonialism, domestic abuse, etc.

  • Shaky Hands Printing Cooperative |

    Shaky Hands Cooperative is a cooperative member of Flora and focuses specifically on screen-printing and graphic design. Committed to vegan, water based inks and a community focus, Shaky Hands wants to help you bring wearable designs to life.

  • Time Banking - Milwaukee DSA Solidarity Economy Network

    A time bank is a network of individual “members” who provide services, bank their hours, and then spend those hours to get their own needs met. The Milwaukee DSA Solidarity Economy Network is a time bank run through which enables members to post offers or requests, and view both local and international offer/request posts.

Contact Cooperation Milwaukee to get involved in any project without individual contact info listed above.

Partner Organizations

  • Get The Lead Out Coalition

    GTLO a grassroots coalition of citizens and community organizations fighting for the removal the toxic lead pipe infrastructure in Milwaukee. Join us in building educational awareness around this issue, and ultimately building community power towards an environmentally just world that benefits us all.

  • Symbiosis Federation

    Symbiosis is a confederation of community organizations across North America, building a democratic and ecological society from the ground up. We are fighting for a better world by creating institutions of participatory democracy and the solidarity economy through community organizing, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city.

  • New Economy Coalition

    New Economy Coalition is a coalition of 200+ organizations building the solidarity economy in the U.S. and showing that another world is not only possible — it’s already happening.

Inactive Projects

The following projects are not currently active, but can be reactivated by interested members such as yourself!

  • Milwaukee Free School

    The Milwaukee Free School is a grassroots project that is accessible and inclusive that promotes the free exchange of information and knowledge without overarching institutional setting or hierarchical relationships. All participants learn from and teach one another through study group sessions, reading groups, and related educational events at no cost. Exceptions would be for certain materials or reserve a public space.

  • Union Childcare Cooperative

    The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) reached out to members of Cooperation Milwaukee with the idea that we could build a model of union worker-owned cooperatives specifically for trade members apprentices and journey people who often need childcare at early hours, and sometime late into the evening due to the nature of the trades and job site commitments. The childcare industry is fraught with worker exploitation, where bosses & owners make large profits and workers have little control over their workplace with low wages and little to no benefits. A worker-owned union cooperative would be a way to provide high quality services while retaining economic democracy, living wages and access to surplus to individual workers and the community.


Groups or projects that are aligned with the Cooperation Milwaukee mission are encouraged to apply for project support, which may include fiscal sponsorship, volunteer support, etc. After application completion, Cooperation Milwaukee will reach out to you to discuss next steps.

Apply Here ≫ Cooperation Milwaukee Project Application*

*This application is hosted on CryptPad, an end-to-end encrypted platform.